Saving & Storing Water
The California Fish and Wildlife Commission made the Shasta snow wreath species a candidate for endangered species status under the California Endangered Species Act in 2020, and this month it was fully listed.
Friends of the River and its coalition partners have challenged the Del Puerto Canyon Dam project in court. On Halloween 2022, Stanislaus County Judge John Mayne gave nature lovers a small treat that will significantly stall the project.
On February 13, 2023, Governor Gavin Newsom signed an executive order that waives the rights of the environment in favor of agriculture. This executive order follows the shortsighted claims that come every year there is a flood in California, that water is being wasted by letting it flow through its natural riverways and out to sea.
We who have loved and lost wild rivers like the Stanislaus live with memories of their moods. In our hearts the living waters still flow high and exciting or murmur by in perfect peace. And we suffer, knowing we’ll not experience such intimate places again in this life.