What the Governor Wants, He Gets?
Governors Brown and Newsom have made no secret of their strong support for the construction of another west-side off-stream reservoir to park Sacramento River water. Such a giant reservoir would exist in the seismically prone valleys of the Coast Range west of the Central Valley…
Disrespecting Republican Icons
Republican California Governor Ronald Reagan signed the legislation creating the California wild & scenic river system in 1972. In 1989, California Governor George Deukmejian (the Duke), also a Republican, signed legislation providing similar protection for the McCloud River under the state Wild & Scenic Rivers Act. Current House Republicans are working to dismantle these protections…
Reviving a Great New Dam-Building Era?
From its founding in 1902, the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation built a lot of dams, especially during the Great Depression and the post-World War 2 years. Think Hoover, Shasta, Grand Coulee, and Friant Dams. Although Reclamation has stated that “the West essentially has been reclaimed,” the political movement for taxpayer subsidized dams has not stopped…
Doing Favors for the Wealthy
Representative Lauren Boebert (R-CO) has made quite a name for herself in the U.S. Congress with a number of claims that seem untethered to reality. However, that does not prevent her from introducing bills that in reality are favored by wealthy Reclamation water service contractors…