!! ACTION ALERT !!—Tell Gov. Newsom and Attorney General Bonta to Protect CA Rivers from the Trump Executive Order!
Late Sunday afternoon, January 26, while most of America was watching football with Taylor Swift, President Trump released an Executive Order water and fires. However, it does very little for the fire victims or LA water, will primarily benefit wealthy irrigators in the Central Valley, poses unprecedented threats to state law, and endangered species protection, creates risks to clean drinking water for millions of Californians, and initiates an onslaught of harassing interventions by federal agencies. OPEN TO LEARN WHAT YOU CAN DO TO HELP…
An annotated guide to the President-elect’s* January 8 tweet on California water and wildfires
FOR Program Director, Gary Bobker, breaks down President Trump’s recent tweet that wrongly blamed California water mismanagement for the fires in Southern California.
Ever since the election on November 5, there’s been no lack of speculation about what exactly the return of Donald Trump to the White House will mean for all kinds of policies, from the economy and immigration to national security and international relations. But there’s no uncertainty about the consequences for the environment – it won’t be pretty….
We Fight the Clean Water Act Apocalypse
We’ve been talking about the importance of the Clean Water Act in Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) hydropower dam licensing for years. The Clean Water Act gives states and certain tribes substantial influence related to operations of hydroelectric dams…