The End is in Sight for the Bay Delta Plan Update — and Maybe the Delta
After 15 years, the State Water Board is entering what could be the final year of its update of the water quality standards for the Bay-Delta estuary and watershed – but the warning signs that it will make the wrong decision are flashing…
ACTION ALERT: New Water Quality Standards Needed to Save California Rivers and the Bay-Delta
YOUR VOICE IS NEEDED: In December and January, the State Water Resources Control Board is soliciting public feedback on the best way to protect fish and wildlife, water quality, and the ecological health of the San Francisco Bay-Delta estuary and the Central Valley rivers that feed it. The Board is also considering a “Voluntary Agreements” (VAs) proposal from the Newsom administration and big water districts that would allow even more water to be diverted. The VA approach means ecosystem collapse and species extinction…
Army Corps of Engineers Listens to FOR
On Monday, September 16, the State Water Resources Control Board “denied without prejudice” the water quality certification for the Sites Reservoir...
Sites Reservoir in FOR’s Sights
After years in the making, the process to decide whether to issue a water rights permit for one of California’s biggest water boondoggles has begun. In August, the first hearings for the proposed Sites Reservoir were held by the State Water Resources Control Board’s Administrative Hearings Office. These proceedings, will ultimately determine whether or not the proposed reservoir is granted a water right, and, if so, under what operational conditions...