Trump Declares War on California Environment and Water Management
When President Trump hit the ground running in late January with a slate of executive orders and other measures, no one was surprised to see federal environmental protections, services, and agencies strongly targeted. But his explicit linkage of federal disaster relief to radical changes in California water policy stood out even in the fire hydrant fountain of proposed actions. And Governor Newsom’s response – or lack of one – has also stood out…
“Dancing Like a Butterfly and Stinging like a Bee” — Against the Executive Orders
As one might have expected, President Trump and his team were better prepared for their crusade to bend the federal and other governments to his will for his second term at playing President of the United States. That included a blizzard of executive actions in his first week. And yes, California drew some of his wrath….
Fiddling along the South Fork American
It had always been a strange sideshow to the 2007-era negotiations surrounding the relicensing of the Sacramento Municipal Utility District’s (SMUD) Upper American River (hydropower) Project (UARP). El Dorado County, which might have prioritized protecting and developing recreational amenities along the South Fork of the American River, was plainly focused on another prize…
A River Like Home: The Tule River
I grew up spending summers in the Sequoia National Forest, in the Tule River watershed, at the family cabin my parents bought before I was born. Once school let out, my mom, my siblings, and I would head to the cabin, staying until the day before school started again. Along Highway 190, as you travel up the Middle Fork of the Tule River, we had several favorite spots to check out. My favorite—the one that still brings back the deep sense of home the mountains give me—is Stevenson’s Fall…