Looking to the Future, 2025

South Fork American River, 2019, FOR Archives.

We have welcomed the New Year, and we want to express our deepest gratitude for your support. Thanks to your generosity and commitment to rivers, we have achieved our 2024 budget target. Your support in 2024 funded a year of impact and important wins. With your help we were able to:

  • Hold PG&E accountable

  • Stop the Centennial Dam project

  • Continue fighting the Triple Threat: Sites Reservoir, the Delta Tunnel and the Voluntary Agreements

  • Work to protect the American River from diversions and water sales

  • Work to restore water to the San Joaquin River

  • And more….

There is no question 2025 is starting off with tremendous challenges. The new administration is signaling priorities that will have devastating impacts to California rivers and water. Climate change, moving at the speed of fire, is creating an ongoing catastrophe in Southern California, the magnitude of which we are just beginning to understand. The clash of opposing political views, the misinformation, the policy turmoil around fire prevention, mitigation, rebuilding, housing, and water in response to the fires portends the intensity of need for reasoned, experienced voices who can represent rivers, water, and environmental justice in the mud wrestling arena. FOR will be there for you.

Going forward in 2025, FOR is solidly committed to continue our ongoing priorities of influencing public policy, stopping the Triple Threat, restoring the San Joaquin, protecting the American River, Sacramento River and San Joaquin River tributaries, and more. We will also be growing our ability to inspire citizen action by adding a full-time position to our staff, which will focus on community engagement. Please see the job description below.  

Lastly, I want to make sure you have these dates on your calendar:

  • February 11 – Conversation with Tim Palmer on his new book: Seek Higher Ground – the natural solution to our urgent flooding crisis – 5 pm at the FOR offices in Sacramento

  • April 24 – California River Awards – in San Francisco

  • April 11-19 – Guide Activist Training

  • October 4 – Rendezvous by the River

Edward Abbey said “Be loyal to what you love, be true to the earth, fight your enemies with passion and laughter.”  My commitment to you is to help us all find joy in our shared vision and to work together. I refuse to spend the next 4 years in fear, doom and gloom. I may have reverted back to getting my news from the comedy shows, but my passion and laughter to go forward and fight is undiminished.”

Much love,

Jann Dorman

Executive Director

Jann Dorman

Jann Dorman is FOR’s Executive Director and Board Chair. She has been a member of the FOR board since 2012. Jann worked for over 23 years for a large national non-profit healthcare organization, holding various roles as vice president leading large operations, improvement and innovation efforts. Jann has always been drawn to the power of wilderness, water, and rivers. She spent most of the 1970s as a river rafting guide on the Stanislaus, American, Tuolomne, and many other great western whitewater rivers. J


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